Sinclair Baptist Church

Welcome to Sinclair Baptist Church!

Church is at 9:30 or 11:00 each Sunday morning.
Join us in the historic Parco Inn at 400 Lincoln Avenue in downtown Sinclair.

Help for Families

Formerly Discouraged People

Life can get pretty gloomy and dark sometimes. Discouraging day after discouraging day can lead to a full blown case of depression. One of the more helpful things to get a person to step up and out of the blues is helping them discover their purpose...

Sinclair Baptist is all about helping parents win at home!

Programs for Kids

Kid City is the New Sunday School

Every kid in the world needs character-based training. Book learning is great, but our kids today need to learn how to apply the Bible as well as just learning the stories.  Kid City is a fresh approach to Sunday school that will help your family...

Special Church Events